Special Education

  Cynthia Napier, Director

Office: 304-792-2060 Ext 4056   Fax: 304-752-1318

It is the MISSION of Logan County Schools that "all students can achieve." We are COMMITTED to identifying and meeting the diverse needs of each student through individualized educational programming.  We ENHANCE student success by establishing high expectations and high quality educational programs for all students. We SUPPORT and sustain the educational structures and practices to be inclusive of all students with or without disabilities, to empower them to become responsible and productive citizens in today's diverse and global society.  Each STUDENT is given access to rigorous teaching and learning and is appropriately supported to access the general education curriculum.

It is our VISION that all students can learn and grow in natural and inclusive environments.  We STRIVE to work cooperatively with families, students, community, colleagues, and other professionals in order to promote each student's success and well-being as he/she prepares for future endeavors and the pursuit of lifelong learning.



Resources for Children with Developmental Disabilities (wv.gov)

Itinerant Teachers

- Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Jessica Varney - Vision Specialist -CRHS

Montana Adkins  - Gifted Teacher - S. Man

Jaimie Bryant - Austim Specialist - LMS

Esther Shrum - Autism Specialist - LHS

Mary Woody - Autism Specialist_CMS

Rachel Satterfield- Itinerant Pre-K Special Needs Teacher - CPS

Kelli Goodman- Itinerant Pre-K Special Needs Teacher-HDGS

Rebecca Price- Itinerance Pre-K Autism Special Needs Teacher-CPS

Hailey Quick- Occupational Therapy -LMS

Jennifer O'Neal - Physical Therapy_HGS

Gary Mullins - Behavior -Dehue

Special Education Staff

Cynthia Napier - Director 304.792.2060 Ext 4056

Katrina Gent - Secretary 304.792.2060 Ext 4001

Lisa Vance -Evaluator 304.792.2060 Ext 4016

Carol Sigmon - Evaluator 304.792.2060 Ext 4015

Lorrie Vance-Moore - Evaluator 304.792.2060 Ext 4017

Staci Johnson - School Psychologist 304.792.2060 Ext 4009

Sandy Richardson - School Psychologist 304.792.2060 Ext 4013

Jennifer Frazier - School Psychologist 304.792.2060 Ext 4008

Leah White -Itinerant School Psychologist 304.792.2060 Ext 4018

Marian Hatcher - Lead School Nurse 304.792.2060 Ext 4014

Shawn Farmer - PERC Coordinator 304.792.2060 Ext 4007

Timothy Elkins - Custodian/Warehouse 304.792.2060 Ext 4002

Special Education Fax 304.752.1318




Here is list of ITINERANT School Nurses and what schools they serve. PLEASE POST and utilize them appropriately. Please notify them for medical problems, medical emergencies, IEP, or 504 meetings, or any other health problems that arise in your building. Logan County has 5 RN’s and 6 LPN’s and will perform all aspects of nursing care and procedures.


Marian Hatcher 304-792-2060 Ext 4014

Dehue (Home Base)

Jennifer Vernatter RN, BSN school number 304-855-8378

Chapmanville Middle School (Home School) 

Tomarra Conley Bias, RN, BSN, school number 304-855-4522

Chapmanville Regional High School (Home School)   

Hugh Dingess

Ashley Collier RN, BSN, CSN (o) 304-752-6606

Logan High School (Home School)   

Logan Grade School

Brandi Canterbury Adkins, RN, BSN, CSN school number 304-752-1804                

Logan Middle School (Home School)   

Holden Grade School

Justice Grae School

Bobbi Griffin-LPN school number 304-583-8037                                                                        

Man Elementary (home school)             

Man Middle School

Jesalyn Christian-LPN school number 304-855-0081                                                            

Chapmanville Intermediate School       

Chapmanville Primary

Lisa Harless School Number 304-583-6521 ext. 22

Man High School (home school)       

Morgan Johnson-RN school number 604-583-7522    

South Man Grade School

Just because you have an assigned school nurse that does not mean they are the only one that can come to your school. ALL SCHOOL NURSES CAN GO TO ANY SCHOOL AND FUNCTION WITHIN THEIR CAPACITY. We have emergencies that come up last minute and sometimes another nurse has to fill-in for another school.

Remember these are itinerant school nurses and can be moved according to need or they can remain at there home school and be assigned other services by the Building Administrator, Director of Student Services or the Superintendent of Schools.

free Support and Training for Parents of Students with Special Needs



Families Strong flyer

Re Entry Guidance for Sp Needs FINAL

WVDRS High School Outreach

WVDRS College Outreach

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